среда 19 февраляadmin

Contoh inquiry letter dan order letter Inquiry Letter A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others.

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Inquiry Letter is a letter written to request information and/or ascertain its authenticity. A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others. The term is common in various business setups as it implies fund request or pre-proposal information. Owing to this usage, the term may be considered exclusive to these setups alone. But that is not the case, to this effect the below definition offers a justified meaning.
Dalam surat ini, ada beberapa halyang di bahas oleh si penyedia jasa/produk yang merupakan pertanyaan daripembeli agar dapat membantu pembeli itusendiri untuk mengetahui informasi tentang produk/jasa tersebut. Hal-hal itu mencakup :

a. Nama dan jenis produk
b. Spesifikasi produk, yaitu; tipe, ukuran,kualitas, kapasitas dan lain-lain;
c. Harga satuannya.
d. Potongan harga;
e. Cara pembayarannya dari pembeli ke penjual;
f. Carapenyerahan produk dari penjual ke pembeli, dan
g. Kemudahan yang mungkin diperoleh pembeli,seperti garansi dan lain-lain.
example :
Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmaja No. 57

2nd December, 2016

Ref. DS/AC
Jl.Pancasila A7 No.17
Bekasi Timur
Dear Sirs,

We saw your product at International Design of Shoes Fair in Mega Bekasi on 1st December 2016 and made interested us.
Please send types of sample, the terms and catalogue of the shoes. If the cost is low and the types of sample are interesting, we will order your product.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

Farisi Alfa
Head of Distributor

An “Order” is an expense for the person placing the order and an income for the one getting it. But this is not all. The company that bags the order has to fulfill lot of commitments to ensure that it has a satisfied customer, which can be an individual or another company. Timely delivery of the order, quality of delivery and after sale service – are all part and parcel of getting an order.
An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.
Ingatlah bahwasemua informasi yang relevan harus diberikan dalam order letter. Ini adalahseperti bisnis yang lebih dan tentu saja membantu untuk mencegah kesalahanmembaca untuk menyusun table barang yang dibutuhkan. Sebagai panduan untukmenyusun sebuah order letter anda harus memenuhi:
  • Reference to a source of information (referensi untuk sumber informasi)
  • List of produk to be ordered (daftar produk untuk di pesan)
  • Quantity, quality, price, catalogue number (if any) (kuantitas, kualitas, harga, nomor catalog (jika ada))
  • Details of delivery and payment (detail pengantaran dan pembayaran)
  • An order number (nomor pesanan)
PT. Family Sneakers

JL.Bakti No. 3

Based on your offering letter on 15th Desember 2016, wewould like to order from your company. Those are :
1.5 Androws Cleaner Kit
3.3 Premium Brush
The goods must be sent in two weeks. Terms of delivery is F.O.B. Terms ofthe payment 60% payed after the order arrived an 40% will be pay with in amonth.
Thanks for your attention.Contoh surat the reply of inquiry letter
1. http://habibie16.blogspot.co.id/2013/10/inquiry-letter-order-letter-definition.html
2. https://targetstudy.com/letters/inquiry-letter/
3. http://www.ilmubahasainggris.com/contoh-surat-inquiry-di-kantor-dalam-bahasa-inggris/
4. http://dwinitro.blogspot.co.id/2013/10/order-letter.html